Celebrating the Rich and Diverse Jewish Experience

My Story
As the mother of five adult children, mother-in-law to two, and grandmother to three I am committed to bringing the greater Jewish narrative to the next generations. Whether it's my family's roots in Hungary and its surroundings or my husband's family's roots in Yemen - we are all part of the Jewish story, and it begs to be told.
Leah's story actually started as a novel of a young woman growing up in Suriname. It was based on a trip to Amsterdam where I met some wonderful people and my girls began to broaden their horizons. The Jews of the Iberian Peninsula have a rich history and it continued and continues to evolve around the world. I hope you enjoy your trip back in time to this tumultuous but rich period and continue to read as we watch Leah's family grow and generations pass throughout the series.
Today I am the Executive Director of Unity Through Diversity Institute where we provide educational tools and views into Jews from Aram Zoba to Zimbabwe and everywhere in between. Trained in theater and education it was natural to branch out into telling the Jewish story.
I hope that you enjoy Leah's story and look forward to comments, questions, and suggestions as we continue to explore these and other stories.